Home / 200L and 300L storage tank - solar boiler


The 200 liter and 300 liter photovoltaic storage tank ensures a cost-effective and sustainable hot water supply in single-family homes. Make yourself more independent from rising energy prices.


1,800W photovoltaic heating capacity high photovoltaic heating capacity to provide hot water for up to 6 people.

Simple photovoltaic connection The photovoltaic modules are simply connected to the electrical terminals of the boiler. All you need is a simple screwdriver.

Warranty 3 year manufacturer's warranty

Cost-saving hot water thanks to almost free photovoltaic electricity. High profitability due to low initial investment costs and almost no operating costs!

Heat exchanger An integrated heat exchanger enables the connection of an existing gas, oil or pellet heating system.

Environmentally friendly energy from the power of the sun! 100% renewable and sustainable! Save CO2 every day and actively contribute to climate protection.

Besonderheiten des Solar-Standspeichers

  • Registration free

    No registration of the PV system is necessary as no electricity is fed into the grid. Hot water supply independent of the 230V mains power.

  • 1,800 W heating output

    3 MPP trackers and DC heating elements provide up to 1,800 W of photovoltaic heating power.

  • 6,000W connected load

    Up to 6,000Wp photovoltaic output can be connected. The boiler heats the water with up to 1,800W.

  • Simply connect oil, gas or pellet heating

    An existing heater can be connected directly to the heat exchanger integrated in the boiler in order to have sufficient hot water available even on days with little sunshine.

Photovoltaic storage at a glance

A CO2-free hot water supply for up to 6 people. The photovoltaic 200L and 300L boilers provide enough hot water to completely switch off your existing heating system in the summer.

The photovoltaic storage tank has 3 independently operating photovoltaic heating elements installed. Each heating element is supplied by an MPP tracker. Up to 2,000 Wp of photovoltaic power can be connected to each heating element.

The heating elements in the storage tank heat the water with up to 1,800 W. In order to have sufficient water available even on cloudy days, up to 6,000 Wp of photovoltaic power can be connected. Alternatively, additional heating via an existing heating system is possible.

The maximum photovoltaic heating temperature of the storage tank is 65°C. Once the 200-litre storage tank is completely heated, around 450 litres of 34-degree water can be taken from it, for example for showering.

Product description

The 200 liter and 300 liter photovoltaic storage tank is integrated into the heating system like any other domestic hot water storage tank. Different water inlets and outlets enable flexible installation depending on the available space. It is also possible to connect a circulation line.

Two magnesium anodes installed in the tank protect the enamelled steel tank from possible corrosion. The main anode attached to the upper end is easy to replace if necessary.

The heat exchanger integrated in the storage tank has a transfer capacity of more than 18 kW. This ensures rapid reheating via a gas boiler, for example, in the event that the sun is not shining sufficiently.

Each storage tank is also supplied with a pressure relief and non-return valve.

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Information to download

Data sheet German
Which and how many photovoltaic modules?

Technische Spezifikationen

  • Plug & Play

    Der Anschluss der Photovoltaikmodule erfolgt über Schraubkontakte. Das Kabel wird einfach an den Speicher angeschraubt.

  • Kein Elektriker notwendig

    Das gesamte System arbeitet in der Schutzkleinspannung. Daher ist für die Installation der Photovoltaikmoduel kein Elektriker notwendig.

  • Maximaler Korrosionsschutz

    Zwei im Speicher verbaute Magnesiumanoden schützen den emaillierten Stahltank vor etwaiger Korrosion. Die am oberen Ende angebracht Hauptanode kann bei Bedarf einfach ausgetauscht werden.

  • Einfache Heizungsintegration

    Drei im Speicher integrierte Temperaturmesshülsen ermöglichen den Einschub eines Temperaturfühlers der Gas-, Öl-, oder Pelletheizung.

Anschluss der Photovoltaikmodule an den Solar-Standspeicher

Experience report: 29,000 liters of hot water for a household of 5

The photovoltaic standalone boiler produces more than enough hot water for a 5-person household most of the year. Connecting the photovoltaic modules is very cost-effective as no electrician is required for commissioning. And since no electricity is fed into the grid, the photovoltaic system is also registration-free. Since no mechanical components are necessary to operate the boiler, the photovoltaic boiler is also almost maintenance-free.

Connection plan with surplus feed-in

In this example, excess photovoltaic power is fed into the house grid via a 600 W / 800 W micro PV inverter. The fothermo switching device is required as an energy manager for this.

The switching device detects when the storage tank is fully heated or when more photovoltaic power is available than the storage tank can convert into heat. In these cases, excess energy is fed into the house network.

This means you save on electricity costs as well as hot water costs. This is a huge advantage over solar thermal energy. No energy is lost.

Anschluss der Heizungsanlage an den Solar-Standspeicher

Hydraulischer Anschluss der Heizungsanlage

Wärmetauscher: Die Heizungsanlage (Gastherme, Ölheizung, Pelletofen) wird an den im Standspeicher integrierten Wärmetauscher angeschlossen. Das Anschlussgewinde des Wärmetauschers ist G 3/4 F (3/4 Zoll). (Siehe Bild: Input (rot) und Output (blau))

Pumpe: Fällt die Wassertemperatur im Solar-Standspeicher, pumpt eine Pumpe heißes Wasser aus der Heizungsanlage in den im Speicher integrierten Wärmetauscher.

Wärmeübertragung: Das heiße Heizungswasser überträgt seine Wärme im Wärmetauscher an das kältere Wasser des Standspeichers. Das Wasser im Standspeicher wird so bei Bedarf erhitzt.

Alternative: Optional kann auch ein elektrischer Netz-Heizstab für die Nacherwärmung des Wassers verwendet werden. (Bild: grüner Kreis)


Funktionsprinzip: Die Heizungsanlage (Gas / Öl) misst die Warmwassertemperatur des Solarspeichers. Fällt die Temperatur des Wasser im Solar-Standspeicher unter eine an der Gas- oder Ölheizung eingestellten Wassertemperatur, springt diese an und heizt das Wasser automatisch nach.

Temperaturmessung: 3 im Speicher integrierte Temperaturfühlhülsen ermöglichen den Einschub eines Temperatursensors der Heizung. (Position 1 und 8 in der Grafik - Auszug aus dem Datenblatt)

Weitere Informationen über den Solar-Standspeicher


Der Solar-Standspeicher wandelt pro Jahr etwa 2.500 kWh Photovoltaikstrom in Warmwasser um. Somit kann der fossile Energiebedarf (Gas-, Öl- oder Holzpellet) direkt um etwa 2.500 kWh pro Jahr gesenkt werden.

Abschaltung der Heizungsanlage: Der größte Vorteil besteht darin, dass die Heizungsanlage, die in den Sommermonaten besonders ineffizient ist, fast vollständig abgeschaltet werden kann.

Ersparnis: Insgesamt können so etwa 3.000 kWh - 4.000 kWh Gas-, Öl- oder Holzpellets eingespart werden. Bei Energiekosten von 15 Cent/kWh betragen die jährlichen Ersparnisse 450 € bis 600 €.

Connection and commissioning

The extension cables of the photovoltaic modules are screwed directly onto the storage tank. All you need is a simple screwdriver.

Parallel plugs allow you to easily connect several photovoltaic modules in parallel. This keeps the electrical voltage of the system low. This saves costs because you can connect and commission the photovoltaic modules without an electrician.

easy installation

The installation of the photovoltaic modules is very simple thanks to plug & play connections. The modules are plugged directly into the storage tank. Anextension cable can optionally be used to bridge longer distances between the photovoltaic modules and the storage tank. If several photovoltaic modules are used, parallel plugs are required.

Photovoltaics vs. solar thermal energy: The advantages of photovoltaic water heating?

Photovoltaic water heating has many advantages. Perhaps the biggest advantage is the ability to feed excess electrical energy into your own home network via a micro PV inverter. This means that not only heat costs but also electricity costs can be reduced.

Experience report: 29,000 liters of hot water for a household of 5

The photovoltaic storage tank produces more than enough hot water for a 5-person household most of the year. Connecting the photovoltaic modules is very cost-effective, as no electrician is required to set them up. And as no electricity is fed into the grid, the photovoltaic system does not need to be registered. As no mechanical components are required to operate the storage tank, it is also almost maintenance-free.

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