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fothermo News

Hot water in the garden house: inexpensive and easy with a fothermo solar boiler

Warmwasser im Gartenhaus: Kostengünstig und einfach mit einem fothermo Solarboiler
A fothermo solar boiler offers the ideal solution for hot water supply in your garden house. Not only is it cost-effective and easy to install, it also allows you to make optimal use of the sun's energy. This makes it a sustainable choice for anyone who wants to operate their garden house independently and in an environmentally friendly way.

Correct installation of PV modules

Richtige Installation von PV Module
Find out how you can make the best use of your roof or balcony for photovoltaic modules. We answer important questions about the suitability of areas, orientation, space requirements and performance for a 2-person household. Discover various installation options. Sustainable energy made easy - start now!