Home / fothermo blog / The clever alternative to large solar systems: solar boilers especially for households with low energy consumption

This article appeared as an opinion piece in PV Magazine.

The clever alternative to a large solar system: Advantages of the fothermo solar boiler and solar heating rod for households with low energy consumption

In times of rising electricity costs and growing sensitivity to renewable energies, more and more households are relying on photovoltaic systems (PV) to generate their own electricity. However, for households with low electricity and hot water requirements, investing in a large PV roof system is often not worthwhile. Here, fothermo's solar boilers and solar heating rods offer an attractive, cost-effective and efficient alternative - especially when it comes to using surplus electricity in your own household.

Large photovoltaic system: high investments and low self-consumption rate

A typical 10 kWp photovoltaic system can generate around 10,000 kWh of electricity per year if optimally aligned. For a household with an electricity consumption of, for example, 2,500 kWh per year, this presents a clear problem: only around 1,500 kWh of this energy produced can be used directly - during the day when the sun is shining. The remaining 8,500 kWh flow into the public electricity grid and are only remunerated at a few cents per kWh.

At an electricity price of €0.31/kWh, this means an annual saving of only around €465, which significantly extends the payback period for such a solar roof system, the purchase costs of which can easily be between €12,000 and €17,000. This often makes a large photovoltaic system economically unattractive for small households that only need a small amount of electricity.

The fothermo system: Tailor-made solution for households with low demand

In contrast, the fothermo system with solar boiler or solar heating rod offers a much cheaper and more efficient solution, especially for households with lower energy requirements. The investment costs of around €2,000 are far lower than those of a large photovoltaic system. This enables a much faster amortization - usually within 3 to 5 years.

How the fothermo solar boiler works

A typical solar boiler from fothermo works with 2 - 4 photovoltaic modules that are connected directly to the solar boiler. For example: With four 450 W modules, an amount of electricity of around 2,000 kWh can be generated per year. Part of this electricity - between 600 and 1,000 kWh - is used directly for hot water preparation, so that the need for external hot water (e.g. from an electric instantaneous water heater or gas boiler) is significantly reduced.

The excess electricity that is not directly needed for hot water preparation is simply fed into the home's own power grid via the fothermo switching device with up to 800 W of power. In this way, an additional 500 kWh of electricity can be used in the household every year. This means that almost all of the energy generated by the system can be put to good use.

Maximum energy efficiency at minimal cost

The intelligent combination of solar boiler and grid feed-in via the fothermo system achieves a particularly high level of self-consumption. A large proportion of the energy generated is used either for hot water preparation or in the household. The system is therefore not only extremely efficient, but also economically attractive. With an initial investment of around €2,000 and the possibility of using almost the same amount of usable energy as with a large photovoltaic roof system, there are considerable cost advantages.

Conclusion: fothermo as a cost-effective solution for small households

The fothermo system is an ideal solution for households with low energy requirements. The low investment costs and the high efficiency of using your own electricity make it much more attractive than a large photovoltaic system. While the payback period for a PV roof system is often 15 to 20 years, the fothermo system is already economical after 3 to 5 years - a great advantage for all those who want to benefit from the advantages of solar energy while consuming little electricity.