Average annual hot water costs €450.
A 3-person household needs around 1,500 kWh of electricity to heat water using a classic electric boiler. At an electricity price of €0.3/kWh, this results in costs of €450 per year. Only for hot water preparation!
Those who tend to take longer showers tend to have to reckon with even higher hot water costs.
An electric boiler is responsible for up to 50% of your annual electricity costs.
Depending on the application, the exact data may differ slightly from the values mentioned above. But the dimensions are correct.

The question is whether the €450 per year couldn't be better invested?
The answer is simple: yes, there are solutions to easily reduce your hot water costs.
Perhaps the simplest solution is to use the sun's free energy. Because the sun doesn't send a bill.
Simply plug 2 photovoltaic panels into a photovoltaic boiler and enjoy free hot water when showering. The water is heated to up to 65 °C.
With an 80 liter photovoltaic boiler you can mix around 200 liters of 34 degree hot water for showering.

Hot water 24 hours a day
During the entire summer half of the year, the sun will be able to provide enough hot water in the boiler on almost all days. Even in the winter months, all of the sun's free energy is used. If the sun does not produce enough hot water, the photovoltaic boiler simply reheats the water via the power grid.
If the water temperature drops below a set temperature, the boiler automatically reheats via the 230 V power supply. After a few moments you will have enough hot water in the boiler again. So you can use hot water at any time of the day or night.
To get to the point:
The photovoltaic boiler is a completely normal electric boiler, but with it you can save around 75% of your electricity costs because you primarily use the free energy from the sun.

Connection of the photovoltaic modules
The required photovoltaic modules are mounted on the balcony, on the roof of the garden shed or, for example, on a house wall and plugged directly into the boiler. You simply put both components together. Alternatively, an extension cable is required between the photovoltaic module and the boiler.
The boiler begins heating immediately after the photovoltaic modules are plugged in. Since no electricity is fed into the grid, the photovoltaic modules do not need to be registered. Everything is very simple.
Since your old boiler and the new photovoltaic boiler have the same ½ inch water connections, replacement is very easy.
It is also important to mention that the entire system does not require registration as no electricity is fed into the grid.

Conclusion after one year of 80 liter photovoltaic boiler
Conclusion: You save €300 in electricity costs per year, become less dependent on rising electricity prices and at the same time generate CO2-free hot water.
The entire system costs around €1,200. With savings of €300 per year, the investment is paid off after 4 years and you can enjoy your own free hot water.
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Conclusion: At the end of the day, it just feels good to know that the hot water used for showering is renewable and sustainably produced. This makes showering twice as much fun.

Photovoltaic hybrid boiler explained in 4 minutes
Find out more about how the photovoltaic boiler works, how it is connected to the photovoltaic panels and how much money it saves.
80 liter photovoltaic hybrid boiler

2,050 W heating output
550 W photovoltaic and 1,500 W as intelligent post-heating via 230 V mains power.
easy installation
No electrician is necessary for installation as the entire system works in safety extra-low voltage.
Registration free - island complex
Since no electricity is fed into the grid, the photovoltaic system does not need to be registered.
200 liters of 34 degree shower water
At a maximum boiler temperature of 65 °C, you can mix around 200 liters of 34 degree shower water.
Don't lose any more power! - Surplus feed into the house network.
When the photovoltaic boiler is fully heated, excess energy can be fed into your own home network. A classic micro PV inverter or a balcony power inverter is used for this.
The inverter is simply plugged into the socket.
In addition to your hot water costs, you also reduce your electricity costs. And since the entire system is “just” a balcony power plant, registration is very easy.
More information about excess feed-in via the fothermo switching device: