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Interview with the founder and managing director of fothermo System AG

Interviewer: Mr. Masenko, thank you for taking the time for this interview. Can you briefly explain to us what the vision of fothermo System AG is?

Manuel Masenko: With pleasure! The vision of fothermo System AG is to create a simple and cost-effective solution for households with low energy requirements to benefit from solar energy. We want to enable small households to reduce their energy costs without having to make large investments or carry out complicated installations. Our system is designed so that everyone can use it without any problems.

Interviewer: What makes your system so unique compared to conventional photovoltaic systems?

Manuel Masenko: Our system is based on a plug-and-play approach . This means that it works without complicated installations and no changes to the home's electricity network are necessary. Our solar boilers and solar heating rods use the excess electricity, which can be fed into the grid using an 800 W micro PV inverter . The entire system operates at protective extra-low voltage , which means that no electricians are needed to commission it - this keeps costs low and makes the system very user-friendly.

Interviewer: That sounds like a very practical solution. Can you explain in more detail how the system works in everyday life?

Manuel Masenko: Of course! The system is usually operated with 1 to 4 solar modules and is designed so that 80 to 90% of the electricity generated can be used in the home, for example to heat water in the solar boiler. The excess electricity is fed into the grid at up to 800 W. The big advantage is that self-consumption is very high and the household can therefore use most of the energy directly instead of leaving it unused.

Interviewer: What about the costs? Many people are put off by the high investment costs of solar systems.

Manuel Masenko: This is exactly the point where we consciously differentiate ourselves from large photovoltaic systems. Conventional PV roof systems cost well over €10,000 and require extensive installation work and official registration. Our fothermo system , on the other hand, is available for around €1,500 - so the investment is 90% lower . With our system, households with low energy requirements can use almost the same amount of energy for their own consumption as with a large system, but at a fraction of the cost.

Interviewer: That's an impressive difference! What about the payback period? When do users really start saving?

Manuel Masenko: Due to the low investment costs and the high level of self-consumption, the system usually pays for itself within 3 to 5 years . This means that users begin to significantly reduce their energy costs after this short period of time and benefit from the savings in the long term.

Interviewer: You mentioned earlier that your system is particularly suitable for households with low energy requirements. Why did you consciously distance yourself from large photovoltaic systems?

Manuel Masenko: Large photovoltaic systems are ideal for households with high energy requirements, for example those that operate electric cars or heat pumps. However, these systems require complex communication between the photovoltaic system and the large electrical consumers, which is both expensive and technically demanding. Our goal was to create a streamlined and cost-effective alternative that is easy to install and yet offers great benefits for households with low energy requirements.

Interviewer: For which type of households is the fothermo system particularly suitable?

Manuel Masenko: The fothermo system is ideal for small households of 1 to 4 people who have low energy consumption. These are often households that do not have large electrical consumers such as electric cars or heat pumps, but still want to reduce their energy costs. Our system offers these households the opportunity to benefit from solar energy without having to make large investments.

Interviewer: Finally, one more question: How do you see the future of solar energy for smaller households?

Manuel Masenko: I am convinced that solar energy is becoming increasingly attractive for smaller households too. With systems like ours, these households can enjoy the benefits of renewable energy without overextending themselves financially or technically. The technology is becoming simpler, cheaper and more accessible - and I think that this is a crucial step in bringing the energy transition to the general population.

Interviewer: Mr. Masenko, thank you very much for the interview and your exciting insights into the work of fothermo System AG!

Manuel Masenko: Thank you very much, it was a pleasure!